Thursday, March 12, 2015

How Long Do I Have to File a Slip and Fall Claim in the State of Maine?

If you are thinking about a slip and fall lawsuit you need to understand the state’s statute of limitations and how it applies to your particular situation.  There are different deadlines depending on the kind of case you wish to file.

In the context of a slip and fall accident, if you think the property owner is responsible for dangerous property conditions -- and by extension, for your injuries -- you must get any lawsuit filed against that person (or business) within six years, and the “clock” starts running on the date the slip and fall occurred.

That same six-year deadline applies if your personal property was damaged -- let’s say you broke an expensive watch when you fell, for example -- and you want to file a lawsuit asking for the repair or replacement of that property.

You may be wondering what happens if you try to file your lawsuit after the deadline set by Maine’s statute of limitations has already passed. In that situation, the property owner is sure to make a motion to dismiss your lawsuit, and the court will almost certainly grant the motion.

Do not take chances with a potentially life-changing situation.  Contact your Maine slip and fall attorney Mark Randall at (866) 775-0082 immediately!  Or visit them on the web at their beautiful new home,