1. Don't distract the driver - either by showing them something on your phone, pointing something out in the area, or suddenly yelling at them.
2. Always wear your seat belt the way it's intended. This ensures that if an accident were to occur, you would have the best protection available.
3. Never get into a car with an intoxicated driver. Call a cab.
4. Do not steer the car for the driver from the passenger seat, even for a few seconds. This greatly lowers the reflexes of the driver and may result in an accident or worse. This also puts the passenger in a dangerous position should the car's airbags deploy.
5. Do not eat in the car. This one is not just to keep the interiors clean, but also supports the driver to not do the same. Numerous accidents occur every year due to food related crashes.
6. Do not wear headphones in the car. While you may not be driving, being constantly aware of your surroundings is important. This way, you'll be able to warn the driver if he or she overlooks anything.
7. On long drives or road trips, stay awake and talk to the driver to keep them talkative and active. This helps the driver stem off being sleepy. Swap places with them if they are not comfortable enough to drive. Never risk it.